Sample data

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Name Credit Card
Chi Raynor III 3721-571895-81489
Florentina Auer 3717-611408-38655
Consuela Ziemann 3552-7919-8191-2538
Lyndsay Stoltenberg 3682-963615-6044
Otelia Considine IV 3019-130528-9184
Otis Gislason 3717-938066-67284
Sheila Wunsch III 3735-334834-39443
Ignacio Murazik 3681-974783-4241
Sigrid Stehr DC 3712-240744-41251
Guadalupe Von 3774-491409-36778

Support Ticket
Hi - I applied for an insurance policy online with my SSN 107-55-5767, however the app says an unexpected error occurred. I tried to pay with my credit card, the number is 6771-8923-7100-6242. Could you take a look on your end?

Code Snippet
import stripe
stripe.api_key = "sk_live_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dcTYooMQauvdEDq54NiTphI7jx"

  source="tok_amex", # obtained with Stripe.js
  description="Charge for"